Beamish Home Farm Is a Real Farm.
The Good Life.

Photograph: NOT volunteers, but two saddleback pigs waiting to be fed at Home Farm. Animals kept on the farm are the traditional type for this region and include pigs, sheep, cows and poultry. And of course there are the cats.
With alternative description for non graphics or blind users.
Tthere is always scope for us to assist the staff and add to the interpretation of the 1940s period for the visitors. Home Farm is a very popular location for most visitors and there is so much to see there.
On the Lighter Side.
There may be opportunities for volunteers to assist in the occasional events at the farm such as Harvest Home celebrations and corn dolly making. There are also Northumbrian pipe players, accordian players, folk bands and musicians visiting the farmhouse at various times throughout the season.
On the Darker Side.
On the more meanial side there are always a lot of regular cleaning and polishing jobs that need doing and I'm sure any assistance here would be appreciated. Clean the brasses or blacklead the stove. Can't wait to get started!
Still Interested?
You would need to wear period costume whilst at the farm and answer visitors questions about the oatcakes (mostly).
Contact Beamish if you are interested in volunteering for costume interpretation work such as this.
Back to the Future.
There is so much at the farm that would be of interest to members of the Friends. Apart from the farmhouse and the pigs there is also the many items lying around the building used in the working life of the farm. Many of these will have been restored by volunteer restorers in the past and perhaps forgotten about by most of us.
End of Page.
Text Equivalent of the Photograph on This Page.
Screen Reader version for people who cannot see the image for what ever reason.
Photograph: Two Saddle Back Pigs at Home farm.
Two large pigs looking over their sty wall towards the right of the camera . The background is of a stone wall with small multicoloured stones set in a dull yellow base. At half height there is a horizontal long stone acting as a beam above the entrance to the dark interior of both stys. In front of the wall and seen in the small yard enclosing them are two large pigs with a low stone wall between them.
In front of the pigs and nearest the camera is the front wall common to both stys with a seperate door for each pig. Each door consisting of vertical strips of brown timber with a strap hinge that extends across the full width of each door. There is another thin bar accross the two doors extending off the picture to the left.
The left half of the photograph shows a large pig and its sty with only the top half of the animal visible above the wall and door. The pig who is looking to the right of the photograph has a dark grey head with large ears hanging down limply and white front legs resting with hooves over the door of the sty. The other large pig and its sty take up the right half of the picture. Standing higher than the other pig it has a dark grey head but its ears stick forward and there is a touch of pink on its snout. More of this pig can be seen and a band of white is ahown around the animals middle. Its white legs and hooves are resting on the sty door It is looking intently towards the right of the photograph. TEXT.